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28 de mar. de 2008
23 de mar. de 2008
Holi festival, Austin 2008
Holi (Hindi: होली), or Phagwa (Bhojpuri), also called the Festival of Colours, is a popular Hindu spring festival observed in India and Nepal. In West Bengal, it is known as Dolyatra (Doljatra) or Boshonto Utsav ("spring festival").
On the first day bonfires are lit at night to signify burning the demoness Holika, Hiranyakashipu's sister.
On the second day, known as Dhulhendi, people spend the day throwing colored powder and water at each other. The spring season, during which the weather changes, is believed to cause viral fever and cold. Thus, the playful throwing of the colored powders has a medicinal significance: the colors are traditionally made of Neem, Kumkum, Haldi, Bilva, and other medicinal herbs prescribed by Āyurvedic doctors. A special drink called thandai is prepared, sometimes containing bhang (Cannabis sativa).
Rangapanchami occurs a few days later on a Panchami (fifth day of the full moon), marking the end of festivities involving colours.
Holi takes place over two days in the later part of February or March. As per the Hindu calendar, it falls on the Phalgun Purnima (or Pooranmashi, Full Moon), which will occur on March 22 in 2008. On the first day (22 March 2008 CE), symbolic burning of evil takes place, while the fun part of playing with colors takes place on the second day. (In 2007, Holi was celebrated on 3 March, the burning of Holika was on 4 March and the Dhuleti on 5 March.)
Holi 2008 from Jaladhi Pujara on Vimeo.
On the first day bonfires are lit at night to signify burning the demoness Holika, Hiranyakashipu's sister.
On the second day, known as Dhulhendi, people spend the day throwing colored powder and water at each other. The spring season, during which the weather changes, is believed to cause viral fever and cold. Thus, the playful throwing of the colored powders has a medicinal significance: the colors are traditionally made of Neem, Kumkum, Haldi, Bilva, and other medicinal herbs prescribed by Āyurvedic doctors. A special drink called thandai is prepared, sometimes containing bhang (Cannabis sativa).
Rangapanchami occurs a few days later on a Panchami (fifth day of the full moon), marking the end of festivities involving colours.
Holi takes place over two days in the later part of February or March. As per the Hindu calendar, it falls on the Phalgun Purnima (or Pooranmashi, Full Moon), which will occur on March 22 in 2008. On the first day (22 March 2008 CE), symbolic burning of evil takes place, while the fun part of playing with colors takes place on the second day. (In 2007, Holi was celebrated on 3 March, the burning of Holika was on 4 March and the Dhuleti on 5 March.)
Holi 2008 from Jaladhi Pujara on Vimeo.
16 de mar. de 2008
A Volta

Nao, nao e uma volta ao blog depois de meses sem escrever... E mais minha ansiedade com a volta ao Brasil, que se aproxima. No meio do turbilhao de coisas que estou sentindo agora (a maioria nada relacionada ao lugar onde moro ou onde vou morar) minha ansiedade escolheu a mudanca pra focar seus esforcos. O que significa: insonia, leves depressoes seguidas de horas e horas de organizacao de papeis, pesadelos sobre meu passado e futuro, e falta de vontade de socializar muito. So o fato de ter que reorganizar as coisas, tipico em qualquer mudanca, me faz rever minha trajetoria mais uma vez (ja nao fiz isso umas 500 vezes antes?), reviver o passado, repensar meus medos, e tudo isso comeca a pesar sobre as costas. Note, caro leitor, o tom do post: repleto de reclamacoes, um certo ar negativo e blase, uma coisa assim quase "mal do seculo", essa auto-vitimizacao que me persegue desde sempre. Enfim, por essas e outras que nao ando escrevendo no blog. So de escrever essas coisas e ter que ver que ainda sou essa pessoa, fico irritado. Tao dificil quebrar padroes de comportamento! Sobre a escrita, sinto que tive um momento de muita criatividade no blog, mas que agora estou guardando forcas para aguentar uma transicao pesada que parece que vem vindo. Gracas aos deuses, se tudo der certo, vai ser pra melhor.
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